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Lose weight or build muscle and feel like the best version of yourself

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Creative Design

Intuitive, easy to use, well-organized app

Free App

App to track and share your progress

Personalized Workout

Custom workout feature to create your own

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Home and gym workouts to define your own goals

Most effective exercises for every muscle group

Record gym sets by weight and reps

+500 exercises supported with full HD videos

Main Features

Selfit is a free app designed for your goals, whether you're looking to get stronger, build muscle or lose weight

Calibration challenges

Six fundamental movements which help the individualization

First session

The first session will include all the calibration challenges

Training flow

Questionnaire Survey and Interface for choosing the characteristics of the session

Trainee Profile

Body area progression chart

Training History

Granular data about your previous training sessions


Follow people and see their progress

Other App Features

To build your custom workout, Selfit's training algorithm evaluates your strength-training ability, studies your past workouts, and adapts to your available gym equipment

Easy Login

Fast Install

Data Protect

High Resolution

Clean Code

Quick Support

Watch Video

App Screen

Simple journal design to easily log your weights, reps, and notes

Clients Testimonial

Pleasantly surprised at the quality of the workouts offered and the possibility of customizing the sessions. A very good launch for a first version, I recommend.


Well structured workouts and just an amazing variety of exercises. Liking to vary my workouts to avoid routine and weariness, Selfit is clearly a “Must have” for me.


The application is comprehensive and easy to use. Adapting training to our performance and feedback option really gives the feeling of having a private coach


Your Feedback

Our Team

Vincent Guarnieri

Master in Training and Optimisation of Sports Performance

Sports Researcher

Laur Neagu

On-going PhD in Automated Systems

Sport Enthusiast

Eric Rigaud

PhD in Computer Science, Researcher in Resilience Engineering

Former Athlete

Common FAQ

For the moment, Selfit is available in the browser at It can be installed from the browser into your phone as a PWA (Progressive Web Apps).
We will launch soon the app in the mobile stores too.
We do not store any personal data.
The sport data we collect while training is used to fine tune personalization for the sessions.
The calibration challenges are used to estimate the level per each movement family.
Based on the number of repetitions in reserve (RIR), your shape of the day, what you want to train and current training phase, we challenge you with the right exercises at a certain point.